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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??


The illegal aliens have support groups. For example they all live in the same houses. until they move on to jobs offered by Big Corporations. The Corporations have management that speaks Spanish.

Some Corporations even offer bonuses for recruitment of more illegal aliens. I remember reading in U.S. News in 1988 a hog plant was offering $150.00 to anyone bringing in new illegal aliens. If the illegal aliens got hurt on the job. They got no worker comp or benefits, they just got fired.

Illegal aliens are like an underground organization. They take care of their own 閳ユ窏uman Capital閳?

Some of the illegal aliens are working for $ 3.00 an hour.

Many Hispanics have taken out Minority Government Loans at low interest rates to start businesses. Those loans belong to America閳ユ獨 minority and poor and women. They will hire their relatives and will let them live in their homes as long as they can work them cheap and make a healthy profit.

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

What's unfair is that they do take medical benefits and WIC and they can buy houses. What upsets me is that I was born a citizen of the United States and when I was jobless I couldn't get unemployment benefits (the restaurant that I worked for closed down and I had a son to take care of and I couldn't afford a babysitter). Nor would my caseworker help me with my benefits. My son is the only one getting full benefits, but because of the HUGE Hispanic population that has benefits, a lot of the pediatricians stopped accepting his health care plan. When I go to the WIC office, it's crowded and I have to wait 2 hours just to be seen because of the illegal aliens. And they don't even bother to try learning English. The only reason why they get benefits is because when they work under the table they don't have to claim anything. Then they send the extra money to their relatives back in their country. I have nothing against residential aliens (those who have green cards and are here legally in this country). They worked hard to get here, and they make an effort to learn the language because they want to be here. A lot of people mistake me for being Hispanic when I'm not (Hawaiian-Filipino) but my boyfriend is, and one time I had a Mexican woman who got here illegally offer to pay my fiance $10,000 to marry her daughter to bring her here, knowing that we were engaged. Another thing, about being mistaken for Hispanic Decent I would get upset whenever someone would come to me and start speaking spanish. But anyways, I know a lot of illegal aliens and they work under the table, receive medical and health benefits, and can afford to buy a BMW, a house with a $1,500 a month mortgage, and buy brand name clothes and things, and I was born an American citizen and I couldn't even get help from my own government. And another thing is that there is a lot of unemployment here too, and they wonder why. I don't know if anything I just said makes sense.

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

Welcome to Capitalism, remember though its the best way and if you don't believe me just ask them

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

Some use forged documents in order to get a job. Others will work in underground sweatshops or other shady businesses. Recently, a brothel was discovered here in my city that had a number of young illegal Mexican women that they were forcibly holding as sex slaves for their customers.

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

You forgot to mention the criminal element as well

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

they do not pay for health care like the rest of us losers. Its illegal for hospitals to turn anyone away, especially if they cant pay. They also steal peoples identities, identities of people who are here legally and ruin their credit ratings and stiff them with the tax bills, its been on the news here, ive seen the people, the Americans who can buy homes because some mexicans stole her information and exploit real americans so they can be here. And yes they do qualify for welfare. Its time to turn off permanently the incentives for them, and maybe they will work hard to make mexico a real country and fix their own problems, instead of dropping off their problems on our side of the border.

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

Kitty, you are deluding yourself if you think they cannot collect welfare. A simple thing like a little identy theft and they are on the public dole. Sure, most of them do work, but far to many cross the border with drugs to sell, or will find their way onto welfare. The ones that don't are still costing us in healthcare and auto insurance just to name two. If they are sick and go to the Emergency Ward, they can't be turned away, and the cost to treat them doesn't magically disappear, it is added to the increased cost for everyone else who has insurance, and that means higher premium payments for everyone. If they cause a car accident, in some cases they just leave, they have no insurance so who pays? again, we all do in higher premiums. In some cases they cause accidents as a scam, make it look like they were the ones not at fault and collect settlements for big $$$. I know, it's hard to send them back to their own impoverished countries, and if they can get back here legally, they are welcome, but illegals are costing us more than you know

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

If that were all there was to the Illegals effect and impact on this country then it would only be a mild problem.

Come to New York City and you will see Busboys, Delivery boys, Messangers, Grill Cooks,Cashiers, Janitors, Nannies all comming out of the illegal pool.

Time to wake up, and get mad friend, because technology is an open market and these people are learning computers just like you and I and that means, if it don't require a Masters Degree they will be applying for the job, that process has already begun!

Seriously, Mamoun's is Middle Eastern food but ask for a Falafel and a wet back is making it for you. I haven't seen an Italian making Pizza in more than ten years!

Republicians keep spreading the myth that they are doing jobs Americans don't want. Fact is Americans may not want to always do the dirty work but they will for a respectful wage, that,'s the problem.

Businesses have inflated the economy and undermined the working class to make the whole idea of a fair minimum wage a joke and Unions useless. This is free falling because it also effects housing, tenant rights and healthcare and education in the same undermining way.

And if that ain't insult to injury look at how many come here and pay enough under the table to get legal or get amnesty from the Republicans then retire and go back were they came from taking more money out of the country! That is, while sure, they may be entitled to a pension but it's an American Pension, and American Social Security being drained by people who had no intentions of becoming real Americans in the first place!

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

Because our Government is, in every regard, aiding and abetting their criminal activity. It is a well known fact that they take from the economy more than they give. Everywhere you see abuse of the system. Our new speaker of the house is from San Francisco, a sanctuary city. City employees are forbidden to cooperate with federal authorities. I saw on the news a %26quot;shanty%26quot; town in California. this town is there for all to see. Local residents have complained. Women have been accosted. The news crew filmed prostitution, drugs, drunkenness. No sanitation facilities so guess where they %26quot;go%26quot;. Anywhere they want. Hey where is that tree hugger Nancy Pelosi? they are harming the environment. Dianne Feinstein thinks %26quot;they live in the shadows%26quot; . Funny, how does in plain view for all to see constitute living in the shadows?

They survive not being legal because we have selective enforcement of our laws.Dianne Feinstein in her speech before congress in support of the Senate amnesty bill stated %26quot;employer sanctions do not work%26quot; Wonder why? maybe because they are not enforced? maybe because you order employees not to cooperate with federal authorities?

So how do they survive without being legal%26quot;

Very well indeed, with the full support of the government that is there (supposedly) to represent you, and..here is the best part, you get to pay for it!!!!

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

It sounds like you've spent some time in my town or some place very much like it. Everything you say is true even if some people choose not to believe it. I feel a little sorry for people who think these kinds of things just don't happen here in the good ole USA. I wonder how they think these illegals buy homes and start businesses on field and dishwashing wages. The truth is they don't. They have better jobs than that, they are paid to get more illegals to come to work, and they do get preferential treatment when applying for loans and grants. They also collect foodstamps, welfare, and WIC. I wish I could get a setup that nice. Maybe I should apply for a green card.

Or maybe I could get a divorce. It seems our government is also anti-family (for citizens anyway) as they seem to only help illegals and single mothers. I have been refused a lot of help--medical and job training/college simply because I choose to raise my children inside a marriage with their father. And don't forget our senior citizens who can't afford to get married because the woman will lose benefits she worked for all her life. When will our government start supporting its citizens and their fine family values?

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

Guess what? They do just fine. I know this guy who works at a restaurant under the table and makes 800usd a week.

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

lie cheat and steal

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

The US is just like Mexico... everything is possible

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

well they cant collect welfare so they work 4am to 7pm under the table pay

HOW DO ILLEGAL ALIENS SURVIVE In America Without Being Legal??

Well, i think they survive cause if you report and deport them, then you would become illegal. If you even talk to illegals, then you become illegal. If you crash your car into an illegals car, then your car will be impunded by the state police, then you will be marked as an illegal and you will be sent to your ancestors homeland. Scary huh.

Should we follow china's lead?

China are giving certain Africian goverments loans with no %26quot;strings attached%26quot; in return for oil... these african goverments are then saying %26quot;no thank-you%26quot; to the west and therefore we are losing oil supply and a cheap one at that... It is now a competition to secure oil supply and maybe the west are taking the wrong route.. Why should we enforce our standard of morals upon Africa.. afterall we were the ones responsible for %26quot;enslaving%26quot; the African in USA etc... we should just lend them the money and let them spend it as they want and therefore get that precious oil supply that we will need in the future... OK i do understand that most african governments are corrupt but.. hey... we did try giving loans before on certain %26quot;moral%26quot; conditions and we only had a negligible/small effect... so let them spend the money as they like and we will also get what we want too.... what is the best route to take??

Should we follow china's lead?

Are you saying that China is trying to secure resources?

That they are using foreign aid to advance their own cause?

That money/goods are used to influence?

That instead of armed invasion a less costly means of securing future resources is to 'help' local governments?

That the world is falling into patterns of expanding and contracting empires? Wow glad I was sitting for this question.

Should we follow china's lead?

My point was ALL earthly governments act that way. It is a common human failing. End justifies means etc. Governments goal is to continue ITS existence... that I want mine and yours too... which ultimately defeats us. Give away everything and then you have EVERYTHING. Report It

Should we follow china's lead?

You are partly right, actually the likely reason why African governments reject loans from western countries is because they have to pay back that huge amount of cash at some point in time in the future and that can cause some problems in both the short and long term. Even some trade agreements with the west are unfair toward Africa's economic growth. China's offer must have been a very attractive one.

Should we follow china's lead?

I'm sure there are some strings attached I don't believe the Chinese would give me money away without some assurance of getting something in return. I'm also assuming these loans have no interest and no time line as to when the loan should be paid. I think that because oil will be so scarce that instead of spending money in a war we should be spending it in trying to find an alternate to oil. The Chinese are being proactive while we are thinking of the right now. Also, no one really knows how much oil is left in the middle east. We are betting on just one source.

Should we follow china's lead?

China has learned to create allies that follow orders and BECOME puppet governments.

They have a great idea of NOT trying to force Chinese culture AND morality.

Should we follow china's lead?

Giving and taking i think is negotiation first place, and Africa is not the African you are taking today. they have a right to whom they will let benefit their resources. And i came back to the Western world, there are still governments who understands Africa.

China is the only new revolution of understanding in every way: Don't be surprised how things changing from force and accusation to peaceful and respecting the counter part.

Should we follow china's lead?

first of all America is NOT responsible for slavery;the africans sold the their own people to the English and the British and the Dutch,what ones they didn`t steal,as slaves...secondly:China is trying to gain allies any way they can and no we should not follow their lead

Should we follow china's lead?

Very tricky I believe there is a reason behind and that's for the world to find out later.

Who's Washington D.C. trying to fool?

Recently I saw where some of the bankers were brought into question about their personal profits during the recent downfall of the economy. I myself find it outrageous because it was some of these very politicians that voted for the NAFTA accord in which thousands of jobs were shipped to Mexico, Canada and over seas. Now just what the hell do we need from Mexico? Cheap labor and less buracratic red tape for business that exploit and steal from Americans! I believe that our fruitcake political leaders should be brought into question before the American people for their debunk in running this country both democrate and republicans! The bankers were over paid yes, but they were giving home loans to thousands of people who were looking for a loan and just because many people can't control their credit card spending and the loss of jobs to many others isn't a reason to question bankers! When the stock market fails, who'll be paying dividend's on Mexican based companys then? Where's My IRA?

Who's Washington D.C. trying to fool?

The fact will always remain that what's bad for american labor is good for american corporations. Politicians are pocketed by such special interest groups. As much as I would looove to see them held responsible, this is a capitalist society so what they do is actually %26quot;commendable%26quot;. As for these bankers, you're totally off base. These bankers committed blatant fraud to veil the realities of the sub-prime loans. The people with poor credit were not at fault- they shouldn't have taken out the loan, but what the bankers did was illegal. Most of them paid off the Bush administration and I know at least one man got an ambassadorship in return (this is also illegal...).

Who's Washington D.C. trying to fool?

Trying to fool? I think they have done a dam good job of fooling the people. How many of those in congress, both house %26amp; senate, are career politicians? The country continues to sink in a cauldren of debt, our living standard continues to drop, energy prices are escalating at a pace never seen before in our history, our jobs are outsourced or just plainly shipped to foreign countries enmasse. Healthcare continues to rise while job provided medical insurance becomes less %26amp; less. And through it all, we continue to re-elect these same people that are giving us joblessness, higher energy prices %26amp; a healthcare system that 95% of the people can't afford. Are they fooling us? I think so %26amp; doing a dam good job of it. But, have no fear, your elected representatives are doing quite well %26amp; they thank you for it!!!

How do families of 4 or more live on $2 000 a month?

I am just curious how many people can afford that stuff. I am single mom on student loans and I am very good with money. I make my student loans and family allowance stretch like nobodies business. But I walk into these stores and I see people in Walmart buying brand new clothes, not from the thrift store, or people buying patio sets from Superstore. I can't wait till I am done university until I can do such things! I have never lived at that level financially, ever! But on the other hand, it confuses me, because with my living expenses and my family allowance, I have $2 600 for 2 kids and myself and I had to save for 3 months to get my daughter a bicycle for spring. Years ago I would have been rich on $2 600, and now it is not much at all. How do these families that live with 5 kids on less do it??? Do they food bank? Do they subsidize? Do they live in cheap areas? How do they do it?

How do families of 4 or more live on $2 000 a month?

I thought other people appeared to have more than what I did and on less money. It's not true. They may appear to have more but they don't. There are other areas of the budget that is suffering that you just don't readily see.

I've seen my sister with her husband and their 5 children trying to survive on a tight budget of $3000 a month and from time to time they don't. They just go out and splash up and suffer for the next 3-4 and sometimes 6 months till they catch up again. It's hard as you know, however they have what money can't buy... love, laughter and they both come from huge families.

So, the things they do to survive when they've blown the budget is - buy less food and go to the food bank if it's really necessary. Visit friends and family (funny, but there always seems to be some big family celebration just after they do it.. so there's more than enough food for the home and freezer... :-).. )

Leave the car home and walk where possible (they tend to stay home more).

I guess the main thing in all of this is family. We help them to survive when they need it and they add to the love and laughter.

How do families of 4 or more live on $2 000 a month?

It all depends on how much your housing cost is and how much credit card debt, car loans etc you have. My ex husband, 2 kids and I lived on $2000+- a month and it was very tight. We had alot of credit card debt and a car payment, if it weren't for that we would have been ok.. My husband now, 3 kids and I live on around $3000 now. We don't have credit card debt or car payments but we do have a mortgage on a first house that is rented out (rent payment goes to that), a second mortgage on our new house that is half paid off and a mortgage on this house which is $1300/month. We do really good, but we have to stick on a budget. I forgot to mention with my first husband at least $400 a month went out for his cigarettes and beer. But anyway, it takes budgeting and keeping debt down.

How do families of 4 or more live on $2 000 a month?

You have 2600 after your bills are paid or that's what you have per month total?

How do families of 4 or more live on $2 000 a month?

VISA, MasterCard.

Americans live well outside their means. I make $1800, I'm a single mom. I live like you. Don't feel like a stranger.

I patch pants for my kids, scratch and save for every thing.

How do families of 4 or more live on $2 000 a month?

you have to swallow your pride and do what you have to. food stamps and medical assistance for your kids.Your the mom. I had too.Veg table garden.2nd hand store is great.My home is nice. sand and paint to make look new. buy knobs at and hooks at 2nd hand store.You will be fine you are on the right track. I am proud of you. Nothing is easy it never will be.I took in ironing for a month.Think like the pioneers.Pray every day and night.

How do families of 4 or more live on $2 000 a month?

well im not sure on the official level, but that type of income with so many people qualifies at poverty level. people at that level typically depend on government aid which helps them spread the money more (given that they have a little more leeway). you should look into the rules for your state because if you qualify then you can get help on the really expensive parts of life like health care and food. with that type of support, life may be a little easier

I really want to attend USC (South Carolina) but my mom is pushing Louisiana.?

I've been accepted to ULM, University of Louisiana at Monroe, but I REALLY want to be at USC. I live in NC right now and I've never been to Louisiana and I don't want to go. At first I did but that was before I actually did research on it. I live in a booming city (Charlotte) and I don't want to be in a small town which I believe is Monroe. Sc is only an hour away compared to 11 hours and its a big BEAUTIFUL school. The only thing is...money. She's pushing Louisiana because it's very cheap...$8,000 to be exact and SC is maybe around $23,000. We're not eligible for financial aid, apparently they said we make too much money so we've been taking out loans. I don't mind taking out more loans to pay for my education especially when considering my major which is Pharmacy. Are there any scholarships or grants I can use or anything. I really want to go to this school!!!

I really want to attend USC (South Carolina) but my mom is pushing Louisiana.?

Your reasons for wanting S. Carolina over ULM mention only matter of convenience for you (only an hour away/booming city) and aesthetics (beautiful school).

What about quality of the program? The third highest ranked pharmacy school in the nation is in your own home state - University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.

You're close, it's a nice campus, and considering in-state tuition, it's probably cheaper than S.C. or U.L.M.

For the above poster, LSU and Louisiana-Monroe are nowhere close to each other.

I really want to attend USC (South Carolina) but my mom is pushing Louisiana.?

Go to: http://www.apscnet.com/mc/page.do?sitePa... and find out more about Pharmacy scholarships and loans. They are not based on financial need (making too much money).

Also, google %26quot;Pharmacist education grants and scholarships%26quot; You should find a lot of ways to fund your education.

Good luck, my friend. You do not want to go to LSU. It is still suffering the effects of Hurricane Katrina, and it is possible it could be hit again this summer.

I really want to attend USC (South Carolina) but my mom is pushing Louisiana.?

You won't qualify for pharmacy scholarships until you are accepted into a pharmacy school. The average pharmacy applicant is not accepted at any pharmacy school. If you are elgible for a grant, it will show on your financial aid.

I really want to attend USC (South Carolina) but my mom is pushing Louisiana.?

I know it is your dream school, but student loans can effect your independence (living on your own, owning a car, etc.) once you graduate from pharmacy school. FinAid has a good student loan payment calculator to give you a rough estimate. If you could find some outside scholarships to lower the cost of USC, it would be more palitable because you would not potentially have close to $100,000 in student loans. Pharmacy school and graduate school is not cheap. I will list some free resources to help locate money for college. Good luck!

Need Help with Real Estate!?

Hello, i am looking to get into the field of real estate, what i would like to do, is buy cheap homes in poor condition and then hire someone to come in and fix them up, then sell the house at a higher price. I do not have the funds myself to buy homes and i would perfer to work with grants instead of loans, due to me not having enough credit for Loan companies, and banks to lend me the kind of money it would take to do so, what advice could you give to someone who is intrested in getting into this business, and what is the best way i can assure my self of getting a grant to start my real estate dreams? please reply asap

Need Help with Real Estate!?

Never heard of any kind of grant to do that. There are government programs for housing, but there for people to buy their own home to live in (first residence), not to start a business buying and selling properties. You have to get individual investors, but they are doing it themselves. If you had perfect credit you couldn't get the money you need because of the %26quot;poor condition%26quot; of the homes you want to invest in and the cost to make them sale-able This is one of those scenario's where %26quot; you got to have money to make money%26quot;

Recession 2007 ???

I have written about the great imbalances of the US economy. Yet in all of my previous articles on the subject I have been unable to pinpoint when these imbalances will result in a bust.

One can never be completely sure of the future, of course, as one does not have full information about all factors shaping future events. Thus, it is possible that this prediction will go wrong if the US experiences some future positive shock, such as for example a significant decline in oil prices. Australia seemed poised for a recession in 2005 after its housing market busted, but this was averted as the prices of Australia's commodity exports soared because of increased demand from China.

However, barring such an unexpected positive shock, it seems increasingly clear that we will see a US recession this year. The main reason for this is that the housing bubble that fueled the recovery of the last few years has essentially burst.

While mortgage debt continues to climb, albeit at a slower rate than before, and while housing prices have flattened rather than declined so far, other housing market indicators point to a housing recession. New home sales have reached multi-year lows and the inventory of unsold homes reached multi-year highs. Meanwhile, residential investment has declined significantly from its peak in late 2005. From 6.3% of GDP in the third quarter of 2005 to 5.3% in the fourth quarter of 2006. However, that is still above the 4% average of the 1980s and 1990s, and also significantly above the 3.3閳?.4% level of the recessions of 1982 and 1991.[1]

So far, the economy has seemingly handled this fairly well and experienced what one might call a %26quot;soft landing,%26quot; with growth being slow but still well above zero. Yet there are increasing signs that the worst is yet to come. Much of the housing bubble was financed by so-called subprime mortgages, mortgages to people with a low credit rating. Subprime mortgages were encouraged greatly by the government, with the Federal Reserve providing a cheap source of credit and with Bush encouraging it as part of the %26quot;ownership society%26quot; that he envisioned. But after the Fed was forced to raise interest rates again, and as the introductory teaser offers expired, the cost of borrowing for the subprime borrowers increased sharply. And as subprime lenders almost by definition have weak personal finances, many have proven unable to handle that.

And so we now see how the default rate has increased sharply. This will mean two things: first, new subprime loans will decline sharply. So far this year, subprime loans have declined 37% from last year.[2]

This will not only mean lower demand for new houses, but also increased supply as an increasing number of subprime borrowers are forced to leave their homes. This fact, as well as the fact that construction spending is still at historically high levels means that it is likely to decline a lot more. And if this causes outright decline in housing prices, it will have a very adverse effect on consumer spending. The household savings rate was -1.2% in January and February.[3] Meanwhile, despite record high asset valuation, the household debt to asset ratio reached record levels last year, as did the mortgage debt to housing value which hit a record high of 47% in the fourth quarter of 2006.[4] Looking beyond the aggregate number, you can see that 27% of all homeowners have less than 20% equity (more than 80% mortgage debt) in their homes and 16% have less than 10% equity, making them highly vulnerable to a fall in prices.[5]

All of this implies that the current spending pattern is dependent upon a continued rapid increase in asset prices, from levels which are historically already extremely high. Household real estate values, which in my first article on the subject I reported to be 184% of disposable income, up from the historic range of 135% to 150%, had in the fourth quarter of 2006 risen to 213% of disposable income. Meaning that there is certainly a high risk of falling prices 閳?which, given the negative savings rate and the record high level of household debt, would imply that consumer spending will have to fall.

With residential investments likely to continue to fall and with consumer spending likely to be weak as well, the one thing that could save the US economy would be business investments. Business investments are still at a relatively moderate level, and in relation to corporate profits they are in fact historically low.

However, there are signs that corporate profits have peaked. The increase in profits over the latest year has been concentrated in the financial sector and in foreign subsidiaries of US firms. In contrast, profits at domestic non-financial industries (the sector that invests) have started to decline: in seasonally adjusted terms, they were 2.5% lower in the fourth quarter of 2006 than in the first quarter.[6] And with profits showing signs of declining, it is perhaps less important that they are still at high levels in absolute terms, because what matters for business leaders is not so much current profits, but expected future profits 閳?or to be more precise, if businesses think additional investments will generate even higher profits.

And with the pessimism generated by the decline in profits and the trouble in the housing market, an increasing number of business leaders seem to think that the days of high profits will be over soon. Business investments fell during the fourth quarter of 2006, and judging by the weak data for non-defense, non-aircraft durable goods orders,[7] the outlook for 2007 is not particularly good.

But what about the Federal Reserve? The Fed has always been %26quot;the knight in shining armor%26quot; always saving the day by cutting interest rates 閳?and they will do so again. At least, that's what many people on Wall Street seem to think. And of course, Ben Bernanke would certainly be willing to provide %26quot;liquidity%26quot; 閳?with or without helicopters 閳?if he thought a recession was coming.

However, the fact that commodity prices continue to soar and the dollar is falling means that Bernanke will have limited scope to cut interest rates, particularly in the aggressive way that Greenspan did after the tech stock bubble burst. With businesses being reluctant to invest, and with subprime mortgages discredited, one has to wonder: where is Bernanke going to create the next bubble, the one that will mask the hangover from the housing bubble in the same way that the housing bubble masked the hangover from the tech stock bubble?

Recession 2007 ???

Dang man! You make some really good points. It is scary. However with oil going down the tubes, technology and the development of alternative forms of energy come to mind. Most of our problems have come from money grubbing government and businesses all making the wrong decisions for the wrong reasons. JMHO

Recession 2007 ???

Ron Paul recently said that with all the borrowing we are doing from China, and the constant printing of money we don't have from the Federal Reserve we have to go into a recession. When countries start to realize our dollar really isn't worth anything it is destined to happen.

WHat do we do? Well I don't think Bush is smart enough to get us out of this one.

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